Mini pillow cake dummies

Set of 5 pcs.

Mini pillow cake dummies
Mini pillow cake dummies
3.33 *Prices include VAT € 2.75 excluding VAT
Manufacturer Styropor Products
Article codeMDK05
9507969644845 Ruim op voorraad
Size:                5 x 5 cm
Height:            4 cm
Amount:            5

Our polystyrene cake dummies are 100% recyclable. If would like to re-use our cake dummies just wash them with warm water and soap. Leaf the to dry overnight.
Our high-quality polystyrene foam is CFC and HBCD free and suitable for direct contact with food.

Styrofoam is standard white.
Do you want to color your decoration or give it a complete new look?
Do you want to cover your cake dummy cake with Marzipan, sugarpaste or icing? Look under "SERVICE" at the bottom of this page for tips & tricks
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