Octagon cake dummies with chamfered egdes of 5 cm high

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Octagon cake dummies with chamfered egdes of 5 cm high
from € 2.52
Article codeMC02
9504482891916 Ruim op voorraad

This article is available is various sizes

Octagon 5 cm high - 10 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC204
€ 2.77 € 2.29 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 15 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC206
€ 3.48 € 2.88 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 20 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC208
€ 4.86 € 4.02 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 25 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC210
€ 6.59 € 5.45 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 30 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC212
€ 8.18 € 6.76 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 35 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC214
€ 10.04 € 8.30 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 40 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC216
€ 11.09 € 9.17 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 45 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC218
€ 12.82 € 10.60 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 50 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC220
€ 15.62 € 12.91 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 55 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC222
€ 19.07 € 15.76 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 60 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC224
€ 20.59 € 17.02 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 65 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC226
€ 24.05 € 19.88 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 70 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC228
€ 27.89 € 23.05 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 75 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC230
€ 32.02 € 26.46 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 80 cm

Ruim op voorraad MC232
€ 36.43 € 30.11 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 85 cm

Shipping allowance surcharge - Please contact us by e-mail.

Ruim op voorraad MC234
€ 41.12 € 33.98 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 90 cm

Shipping allowance surcharge - Please contact us by e-mail.

Ruim op voorraad MC236
€ 46.10 € 38.10 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 95 cm

Shipping allowance surcharge - Please contact us by e-mail.

Ruim op voorraad MC238
€ 51.37 € 42.45 excluding VAT

Octagon 5 cm high - 100 cm

Shipping allowance surcharge - Please contact us by e-mail.

Ruim op voorraad MC240
€ 56.92 € 47.04 excluding VAT
Octogon shaped cake dummies in 5 cm deep with chamfered edges are cut computerized.
Polystyrene cake dummies are made with the utmost care and we only use a high quality EPS (better known as styrofoam). This allows you to enjoy your decorations for years.
Our polystyrene cake dummies are 100% recyclable. If would like to re-use our cake dummies just wash them with warm water and soap. Leaf the to dry overnight.
Our high-quality polystyrene foam is CFC and HBCD free and suitable for direct contact with food.
Available in various depths and up to 120 cm.

These dummies have chamfered edges! In our range of octogon shaped cake dummies we also have cake dummies with straight edges.
Styrofoam is standard white.
Do you want to color your decoration or give it a complete new look?
Do you want to cover your cake dummy cake with Marzipan, sugarpaste or icing? Look under "SERVICE" at the bottom of this page for tips & tricks.

Under mentioned prices are for dummies with CHAMFERED EDGES
The extra large cake dummies that are visible but not possible to order! Please order by e-mail info@styroporproducts.com.
You can collect the order at our factory or ask without obligation for the cost for shipment.

Diameter Octogon Dummy
Max. Size Round

Diameter Octogon Dummy
Max. Size Round
10 cm
Ø 7,5 cm

55 cm
Ø 50 cm
15 cm
Ø 12,5 cm

60 cm
Ø 52,5 cm
20 cm
Ø 17,5 cm

65 cm
Ø 57,5 cm
25 cm
Ø 22,5cm

70 cm
Ø 62,5 cm
30 cm
Ø 27,5 cm

75 cm
Ø 67,5 cm
35 cm
Ø 30 cm

80 cm
Ø 72,5 cm
40 cm
Ø 35 cm

85 cm
Ø 75 cm
45 cm
Ø 40 cm

90 cm
Ø 80 cm
50 cm
Ø 45 cm

95 cm
Ø 85 cm

100 cm
Ø 90 cm

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